AI Training

End-User Training

“AI won’t replace Humans but Humans using AI will”

- Dr. Fei Fei Li, Director of Stanford University’s Human-Centered AI Institute

AIs are here and they’re changing the world and workplace we know. Overall, transformational cutting-edge AI solutions will enhance everyone’s efficiency, accuracy, productivity, and decision-making.

AI can deliver unparalleled productivity, innovation, and sustainability. Say goodbye to repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and hello to a more streamlined and productive workplace. Think of every staff member having access to an expert in every topic. That expert will collate, generate, fix, clean, give insight, and do your work faster.

“The key to thriving in this next industrial revolution is immediately investing in AI education and interaction. Whether it’s taking machine learning courses or being acquainted with AI-powered tools in your sector, the more you know about AI, the more equipped you’ll be to flourish in the future. It’s also critical to remain open to the potential uses of AI in your field. Rather than being afraid of AI automation, you should embrace it as a new opportunity to reinvent yourself and generate tremendous value.” – Joel González VP Innovation Weichert

Our AI training programs for end-users is the perfect place to start! Our platform offers courses that cover everything from basic concepts and terminology to practical applications of AI in various industries. Our expert instructors provide engaging, hands-on training that will help you understand how AI works and how you can use it to your advantage. Why wait?


Our MasterClass's

AI Transformation Overview

AI Foundation: Bootcamp

Introduction to AI: Definition, Types and Applications

From Zero to Hero

Informational overview of understanding AIs nature. Why it’s changing the world and why you will implement it. How to mitigate any risks associated with its use.

AI is Changing Everything We Know. This is a hands-on session detailing how to use AI effectively in your business. Generate documents, graphics and video. Summarize and collate documents and websites. Proof reports and code.

Designed for: Everyone, especially decision makers
Duration: 1-2 Hours
Delivery: Onsite or Online
Attendees: Unlimited
Support: Free via Email

Course Description:
AIs can now achieve tasks previously only humans could perform. AIs like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot & Google BARD/Gemini are advanced language models that use artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to user inputs. They have a wide range of potential use with the ability to understand natural language and context.

This session provides an overview and basis for understanding the very essence of artificial intelligence. This will allow you to unlock the revolutionary power of AIs. It’s designed to:

  • Allow decision makers the ability to make informed decision on AI use or prohibition
  • Allow decision makers to future proof decision making due to their understanding of how AI works
  • Allow workers an overview of its ability to boost productivity
  • Allow people to comprehend its benefits at home
  • Allow everyone to understand its challenges, dangers & possible bias

Topics include:

    • What is AI?
      • How does it work
    • The history of AI and its evolution over time
    • The different types of AI, including:
      • Machine learning and Deep learning
    • How AI is being used in different industries:
      • Such as healthcare, finance, and transportation
    • The potential benefits of AI, including:
      • Increased efficiency
      • Increased productivity
      • Increased accuracy
    • The potential pitfalls and dangers of AI including:
      • Job displacement
      • Privacy concerns
      • Ethics and Bias in AI: Understanding the Risks and Mitigating Them
    • Future Trends and Opportunities in AI: Predictions for the Future of AI in the Workplace

Designed for: Everyone
Duration: 3-4 Hours
Delivery: Onsite or Online
Attendees: Unlimited
Support: Free via Email

Course Description:
AI’s like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot & Google BARD/Gemini are advanced language models that use artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to user inputs. They have a wide range of potential use with the ability to understand natural language and context, to generate text, graphic and sound.

This session harnesses the revolutionary power of AIs to transform your work environment. It’s a hands-on skills development session on AI’s many uses.

Session Outcomes:

  • Understand AI: Definition and Types
  • Discover the capabilities of AI for a business point of view
  • Use free AI’s to improve your efficiency/effectiveness with Microsoft office apps like Word and Excel
    • Super-charge your work using AIs for first drafts or summarising
    • Speed up your content creation process
    • Learn to collate and proof documents and content
    • Which file types can be Import/exported
  • Understand the interface and limits of AIs like ChatGPT and Midjourney
  • Learn the how to prompt the AI for best results
  • Discover amazing AI tools like Feedly and
  • Understand the requirement for appropriate and safe AI use. Stay within your governance and data privacy guidelines
  • Understanding the limitations and issues of this technology
  • Best Practice application of external generative AI

Topics include:

  • Skyrocket: your current business using AI
  • Prompting: The rules and requirements for optimal results
  • Effective: The best tips to use AI
  • Success: How to use prompts to achieve your goal (Prompt engineering)
  • Super-charge: your learning and skills
  • Summarizing + Extracting: value from books/media/webpages/legislation
  • Composing: automate writing tasks, generate effective copy
  • People Skills: Improve your communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills with personalized AI feedback
  • Automate: Streamline your workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and gain insights that help you make data-driven decisions
  • Search: Find what you need fast with AI
  • Interview Questions: Using AIs for queries in both directions
  • Excel: Automating spreadsheets
  • Money: How to make revenue using AI including passive income stream
  • Rules: for safe and appropriate use


Prompt Engineering

Time Management with AI

Unleash the Power: The Art of AI Prompt Engineering

AI-Powered Time Wizardry: Optimizing Productivity with Artificial Intelligence.

Welcome to the exciting world of AI Prompt Engineering. In this comprehensive course, we will embark on a journey that explores the pivotal role that well-crafted prompts play in shaping its capabilities.

In a fast-paced and ever-evolving world, effective time management has become a crucial skill for personal and professional success. Participants can gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be harnessed effectively to optimize their time, boost productivity, and achieve better work-life balance.

Designed for: Everyone, especially decision makers
Duration: 3-4 Hours
Delivery: Onsite or Online
Attendees: Unlimited
Support: Free via Email

Course Description:
Whether you’re a seasoned AI enthusiast or just beginning to delve into this cutting-edge field, this program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to craft precise and effective prompts that unleash the true potential of AI models.

Through a perfect blend of theory and hands-on practice, discover the art and science behind designing prompts that spark ingenius and creative solutions. We will delve into the core principles, techniques, and best practices of AI Prompt Engineering that truly understand and fulfill your intentions.

This session will revolutionize the way you interact with AI and detail the extraordinary impact of well-engineered prompts in shaping the future of artificial intelligence.

Topics include:

  • What is Prompt Engineering?
  • Modifiers for Better Outputs
  • Issues:
    • Level of detail required
    • Clarification on Limitations
    • Why does it stop?
  • Assign a role to the AI
  • Prompt Priming
  • Multi-step Triggers
  • 30 Simple Prompt Starters
  • New Ideas and Copy Generation
  • Client Emails, Analogies, and Bulk Writing
  • Effective Prompt Revisions
  • Zero, One, and Few Shot Prompting
  • Tru Criticize Me Method
  • More Techniques
    • Chain of Thought Prompting
    • Tabular Format Prompting
    • Ask Before Answer Prompting
    • Fill-In-The-Blank Prompting
    • Constructive Critic Prompting
    • Comparative Prompting
    • Reverse Prompting
    • RGC Prompting
  • Graphics
    • Various Models and their specific application
    • Framing, Lighting, Colour Scheme, Detail
    • Parameters
    • Techniques – oil painting, digital photograph or watercolor..
    • Artists – Cézanne, Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe or Warhol….

Designed for: Everyone, especially decision makers
Duration: 1-2 Hours
Delivery: Onsite or Online
Attendees: Unlimited
Support: Free via Email

Course Description:
Designed for individuals seeking to enhance their efficiency and optimize daily routines. This course will equip you with cutting-edge AI techniques and tools that can streamline your schedules, prioritize tasks, and eliminate time-wasting activities. Unlock the potential of AI algorithms and data-driven insights to achieve peak productivity and reclaim valuable moments for what truly matters.

Topics Include: 

  • Understanding: artificial intelligence and its applications in time management
  • Effective AI use:
    • The best tips and tricks
    • Search: Find what you need fast
  • AI-Powered Time Tracking and Analysis:
    • Introducing AI-driven time tracking tools to monitor/analyse daily activities
    • Leveraging AI algorithms to identify time-wasting habits/patterns
  • Smart Scheduling:
    • Using AI algorithms to create optimized schedules based on priorities/deadlines
    • Implementing AI-based tools for efficient calendar management and optimisation
  • AI-Enhanced Task Prioritization:
    • Applying AI techniques to prioritize tasks based on importance/urgency
    • Utilizing AI tools to categorize and organize tasks effectively
  • AI-Driven Personal Assistants:
    • Understanding how AI-powered personal assistants can streamline time management
    • Exploring popular AI assistant applications and their features
    • Improve & speed your communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills with personalized feedback
    • Interview questions: Using AIs for queries in both directions
  • Automation and AI in Workflow Management:
    • Integrating AI automation to streamline repetitive tasks/workflows
    • Demonstrating the time-saving potential of AI in various business processes
  • AI for Focus and Distraction Management:
    • Utilizing AI to minimize distractions and maintain focus during work
    • Identifying AI-based tools for promoting mindfulness and productivity
  • Predictive Analytics for Time Allocation:
    • Leveraging AI-driven predictive analytics to allocate time efficiently
    • Using historical data and AI models to make informed time management decisions
  • AI-Based Time Optimization Techniques:
    • Exploring advanced AI algorithms and machine learning models for time optimization
    • Case studies on successful implementations of AI in time management
  • Ethics and Privacy Concerns in AI Time Management:
    • Addressing ethical considerations and potential privacy issues related to AI usage
    • Ensuring responsible and secure implementation of AI-powered time management solutions
  • AI Tools and Resources for Time Management:
    • Showcasing a selection of AI-powered apps, software, and tools tailored for time management
    • Hands-on training and practice with AI time management tools
  • Future Trends in AI and Time Management:
    • Discussing emerging technologies and trends that will shape the future of AI in time management



$ 2,000


> Price is per-session
> Independent of attendee numbers


  • 24/7 email support
  • Fully customisable We will customise to your need, industry and specific requirements- gratis! Personalize your learning experience.
  • Flexible delivery times Flexible Delivery Timing: We accommodate your schedule preferences. Choose the timing that suits you and your team best—whether it's early or late, we're here to deliver at your convenience!
  • Certified and qualified trainers
  • Quickest delivery time

Half-Day (3-4 Hrs)

$ 3,500


> Price is per-session
> Independent of attendee numbers


  • 24/7 email support
  • Fully customisable We will customise to your need, industry and specific requirements- gratis! Personalize your learning experience.
  • Flexible delivery times Flexible Delivery Timing: We accommodate your schedule preferences. Choose the timing that suits you and your team best—whether it's early or late, we're here to deliver at your convenience!
  • Certified and qualified trainers
  • Quick delivery time


$ 5,000


> Price is per-session
> Independent of attendee numbers


  • 24/7 email support
  • Fully customisable We will customise to your need, industry and specific requirements- gratis! Personalize your learning experience.
  • Flexible delivery times Flexible Delivery Timing: We accommodate your schedule preferences. Choose the timing that suits you and your team best—whether it's early or late, we're here to deliver at your convenience!
  • Certified and qualified trainers
  • Multi-day courses available